
AfroScience Story by Prince Nana Amaniampong

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AfroScience Story by Prince Nana Amaniampong

If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there are certain laws that are always obeyed.

Pursuing a higher degree in research (PhD) totally changed my perspective about life. Once you obtain a well-deserved PhD degree, you become your own teacher as self-teaching becomes common practice. You are always curious and tend to read a lot, not just on your subject matter but on everything. You will find doing new things, exploring new frontiers and taking up new challenges more scintillating. In other words, it will change your life and your outlook forever. 4 years of PhD studies was an envelope-wrap of all life’s sweet and sour moments and a formation that has prepared me immensely for the scientific world today.

"Being a scientist is more than performing ground breaking experiments, it’s more about falling in love every day with nature and hoping to uncover more of its beauty" 


The 21st century African Scientists, are scientists ready and willing to go extra miles in achieving goals and dreams no one ever expected from them, and this is what makes them the breath of fresh air in African national development and growth.


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About author
Prince Nana Amaniampong, PhD., is a Research Scientist currently working as a permanent national scientist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, France.
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